WITCH/The True Story Of Pre-Christian Europe

Witches are usually depicted as wart-ridden, bitter old ladies in black that boil children in cauldrons. The one who picked me up hitchhiking didn’t fit the bill. Methuselah, as she formally introduced herself, was a self-proclaimed witch. She possessed the face and body of a beauty queen, the infectious smile and happy glow of a leprechaun, and the vocal quality of a dulcimer. This was one very sweet woman.
Her bumper sticker read, “My other car is a broom.”
Her vehicle smelled like an herb garden and resembled an altar. Dried plants and assorted amulets hung everywhere they could do so without blocking sight of the road. There were too many to count. Fragrances of lavender and rose owned the atmosphere. Christian crosses, Mother Mary amulets, Jewish stars, Buddhist and Hindu deities, and Pentagrams galore wove themselves between the plant matter as best they could. The ceiling and walls of the automobile were completely covered.
We had an immediate kinship and no trouble getting into a conversation. Anyone good enough to let a stranger into his or her car is usually pleasant and friendly. She was even more so. The atmosphere felt comfortable enough for me to ask a question. It was a question that had always puzzled me. Maybe she had the answer.
“Since you know a lot about this kind of thing, maybe you can help clear something up for me.”
Meta’s (her nickname) incredible body was covered by a raggedly hemmed gypsy dress. A lock of gorgeous blonde hair swung away from her eyes as she turned to respond. A radiant smile lit up her already beautiful face. It was a perfectly innocent movement. She wasn’t trying to be sexy. But it was the most sensual movement, from the neck up, that I have ever seen a woman make. In an unaffected and perfectly natural manner, young Meta generated more heat than a fully-clothed person should be able to produce. It took a few seconds before my distraction repaired itself enough for me to remember my question.
“Christians say that Jesus walked on water, healed lepers, turned water into wine, rose from the dead, and performed all sorts of other obvious acts of what most folks would call magic and miracle. So how come there are so many people today who (whether they believe all that or not!) have no fear of and even some respect for all those magic-flavored ideas but are either scared of or disrespectful toward other ideas about magic, miracles, witches, and the like?”
The young lady screwed up one side of her face and gave her head a few somber nods as she began to answer. “There is a very sad and true piece of history that will answer your question, perhaps more thoroughly than you’d like. You’ve heard the old expression, ‘God is Love, but some of His followers scare the shit out of me’…right?”
My nod told her that I had heard several versions of that statement.
“Well, this is a case where that expression applies very strongly. Pre-Christian Europe was filled with peaceful, tribal, matriarchal societies of natural beauty for a thousand years. Much of that period of history is addressed as the Dark Ages only because history is a liar. The winners write history. “Winners,” in this case, refers to conquest. In the conquest of territory, all too often it is the most barbaric elements of humanity that succeed. That barbarism needs to justify itself to posterity in order to preserve social order and public compliance, and so they distort history to support their actions.
“This dishonesty always turns out to be as shortsighted an approach as the barbarism that spawned it. A society (just like a house or any structure), if built on a foundation of bullshit, always faces inevitable collapse in the long run. Good people were slaughtered throughout Europe and their land stolen behind the banner statement that they were godless, evil savages. This was done as brutally to the tribal people of Pre-Christian Europe as it was to the indigenous residents of what we call the Pre-Columbian Americas. Many people are now coming to realize the great spiritual gravity, beauty, and comparative sanity of the Pre-Christian European and Pre-Columbian American cultures that were destroyed. We are now scrambling to regain the ancient knowledge that we spent several centuries and so much effort destroying!”
My enchanting hostess took a deep breath to gather her composure and continued. “Had Hitler won World War Two there would not be any holocaust museums and remembrances. Nazis would have written the history books and their foul deeds would have been made out to resemble an act of God’s will to rid the world of Jew-demons—or something just as sick.
“Such was the case in the age of Pre-Christian Europe. For centuries, tribal cultures with a religious respect for nature had flourished on their own terms. In the years between 1000 and 1500, long after the Romans had beaten the Christ out of Christianity, the invasion took place. Judged by the percentage of the population that was murdered, it was arguably one of the two most severe cases of genocidal holocaust in all of human history (along with the Native American holocaust). Had he been present at the time, The Christ himself would have had a lot more in common with the victims of these massacres than he would have had in common with the marauders who were using his name. Maybe that’s true of all holocausts. Jesus was certainly a Jew. Hitler’s Christian nation’s crusade would most certainly have baked Him. It is also pretty obvious that any son of God would have had a lot more in common with the Native American peoples, Pre-Christian European tribes, and European Jews than he would have in common with murderers, no matter what they called themselves.”
Meta being such a devout Christian and such a devout Witch at the same time was stretching my brain a little bit. The potency and conviction of her speech stretched it even further. With moistening eyes and a slight quiver developing in her lower lip, she spoke on. Meta didn’t sound like a person who was just passing the time by telling a random story. She broadcast the tone and emotion of a brutalized crime victim testifying in court.
“On present-day Earth we have the most Christ-like nation in human history, a civilization built on loving-kindness and demilitarization. They are being wiped off the face of their homeland. Well, at least the Chinese government isn’t blaming Christ or Buddha for their actions against Tibet!
But savage pillagers throughout the past two thousand years have misused the names of saints for their own ghoulish purposes, and the so-called Holy Roman Empire of a thousand years ago falls into that category. Within a few hundred years, they and their minions erased nearly all the nature-based, matriarchal tribes in what we now know as Europe. The invaders falsified history in order to justify their greed. Harmless facts and beautiful rituals were twisted to appear Satanic. Love of the environment and its animals and plants; love of healing modalities that modern day health professionals are now searching frantically to recover were spin-doctored into demented superstition and turned outlaw.”
At this point my lovely hostess turned her eyes away from the road just long enough to catch the expression on my face. For some reason, Meta’s historical information was having a much deeper effect on me than it should have. A very uncomfortable heat was painfully rising from my feet and rapidly traveling up my body. It felt like someone had set me on fire from below and was fanning the flames. My face must have made my discomfort obvious to her.
Meta quickly shifted to a more compassionate tone. She put a soft hand on my face that brought an instant smile as she said, “That’s enough of history. Let me give you some Herstory instead. The term wizard is simply a Germanic-based word that defines someone who is knowledgeable of herbs and growing things. Most of the bastardized legends about Pre-Christian Europe have to do with naturally occurring plants that were used as healing medicines. Almost all the talk of potions, spells, and brewing things up in cauldrons had to do, in fact, with making natural medicines. The propaganda notwithstanding, ancient Europe had an organic pharmacopoeia that was incredible. Modern drug companies have mutated and artificially manufactured dangerous, addictive, and expensive chemical compounds from what were originally naturally occurring, harmless, effective, non-addictive healing substances.”
My hand shot in the air as if asking a question in elementary school.
Meta laughed. “Pardon me. I have been rambling on. You wanted to ask something?”
“Yes, this is all shock to my system so I just want to check to see if I’ve got this right. Are you saying that all this scary spook, goblin, and cauldron stuff we’ve been fed all our lives is, more than anything else, a historical cover-up? Are you saying that a peaceful, spiritually and medicinally astute society governed mostly by women was decimated by plunderers disguising their purpose as the liberation of souls through the spread of Christianity? But in fact the invaders were acting much like their brutal ancestors—the very legions that killed Christ a thousand years earlier and commercially co-opted his flock?”
Meta nodded yes. “Does this surprise you? If you think about the other historical examples of similar situations, this shouldn’t be so difficult to understand.
“The part that folks find most confusing is trying to figure out where Christ comes in to all of this. That’s because he doesn’t! The hijackers of Christianity during these massacres had nothing to do with Christ or anything he stood for. They simply used His name and the church structure they built around it to organize a religious culture that was more political and economic than spiritual. They then duped or threatened people into compliance with their vehicle, and killed millions of resisters to prove their threats weren’t idle. They claimed to represent Jesus as they proceeded to do the opposite of everything He actually spoke about and stood for. These bastards had as little to do with the actual Christ-Spirit as the bastards who “saved the souls” of the “Godless” Native Americans in the name of Christianity. They are no different than the Chinese gangsters who seized all of Tibet’s natural resources and murdered a large percentage of the Tibetan population under the guise of “liberating” the culture. They were possessed by the same twisted spirit as the modern advertising vipers who sell useless and often dangerous products to an unsuspecting public, using rock music to add power to commercials made with the exact opposite intent of the original non-commercial and revolutionary spirit of rock and roll.
“Powerful, nasty people steal spiritual images in order to dupe the public into pillaging and plundering (or in our modern case, purchasing) in the name of something much more meaningful than the evil purpose or worthless product that is actually being hawked. The only things holy to marauders are greed, selfishness, and power-lust.”
I had to nod in unwilling agreement. “It’s not that far-fetched a notion, given history’s examples.”
Meta gave me a nod. She had maintained her sweetness and beauty during our whole conversation, but her leprechaun smile had diminished.
“All this Herstory has given me an appetite. Good timing! We have arrived at our destination.”
The conversation was so intense that we hadn’t noticed how much road progress had been made. We drove past a sign that said Welcome to Burlington, Vermont as Meta extended her kindness to me further. “There’s an excellent Jamaican restaurant a few blocks from here on Winooski Street. Let me buy you lunch and then I’ll drop you off at the hostel.”
“No, no, no,” I insisted. “You’ve given me a ride, an education, and been very pleasant and beautiful company. I’m buying.”
We were still arguing about who would pay for lunch as she was parking. I opened the car door and put my foot flat on a twenty dollar bill that was on the sidewalk. My laugh was probably a little too loud. Meta, still in the driver’s seat, asked, “What’s so funny?”
My index finger pointed at the bill under my foot. She put a hand on my knee and leaned over the rest of me to see what the finger was pointing at. The sweet leprechaun glow returned to her face as she said, “Goddess must have liked our defense of Her son. She’s buying us lunch. There’s magic afoot! Let’s eat!”
After a wonderful lunch, the good witch deposited me at the hostel. Meta returned to her job as a massage therapist and herbalist. Within a half hour, I was heading toward my first work stop in town. I was a happy man. Life looks good when a Goddess buys you lunch with a ravishing witch and you some how, some way know that the next stop will be even more fun than that one!
More true stories available absolutely free of charge for you at
Why? Because you are more important than the money.

Authentic, and the Searing Expose of the Fearless Puppy Organization (with revealing photos!)

The link has it all, folks! One of the great very short chapters in modern literature (as it appeared in the most recent Heart & Thought mag) is preceded by the searing expose (with photos!) of the notorious Fearless Puppy organization. https://dougtenzinrose.substack.com/p/authentic?fbclid=IwAR110iS06svvsEujxvctUVp7e44Ok7-SaOhNS0mSuXZlZ4o_-429GyDynp8

Do Us Both A Favor

Dear Friends of Fearless Puppy,
Regarding the new FREE book AWE/Alive and Well on Earth, available at the link above, I am finding it hard to get due exposure by myself. It is easier to sell pet rocks than give away free gold in this weird world! All usual commercial outlets for book circulation want nothing to do with anything they cannot financially profit from, of course.
Please do me the honor of giving a few minutes to a trial run. Open the file, skip the preliminaries and Table of Contents, go right to where the actual story begins on page 15, and give it a mere 14 page read through page 29. You’ll be glad you did. It is a fast read. I timed it at 29 minutes—even with an old-school amount of focus. I’m pretty sure you will like what you see. ***If so, please give others the same opportunity to enjoy it by sharing/circulating the book to whoever or wherever you think appropriate. Thanks very much for your time and attention.
Be well. Love, Tenzin

Two Very Short Pieces From THEN AND NOW

PDF Two pieces from Then and Now chapter


Two short pieces from the “Then and Now” chapter of the FREE new 5* book Alive and Well on Earth (AWE). The entire book is available to you at no charge. Why? Because you are more important than the money. www.fearlesspuppy.info/newbook

What Does Matter ?

It doesn’t matter if your skin is black, brown, red, yellow, white, or if you are from Europe, Asia, Africa, or North America. It does not matter if you are awkward, agile, thin, fat, blond, brunette, redhead, short, or tall. Our modern definition of “attractive” was built from commercially inspired images invented by the cosmetic, fashion, and fabric industries. A commercially inspired image is not designed to help anyone become

more attractive. It is designed to coerce you into buying things you don’t need.

It doesn’t matter if you’re on the first page of a book or the last; if you like pop, jazz, country, rock and roll, or classical music; or whether you watch the soap operas, dramas, sit-coms, reality shows, or news on TV. The media only presents you with what their owners want you to see and hear. Most of us pay too dearly with both money and brain cells for limited, biased, dumbed- down content while enjoying a delusion that we choose from the best of all possibilities. We do not. The Bullshit Programyou Package A and the Bullshit Programyou Package B are your options. They both contain hypnotic content that is designed to either shock or lull you into compliance.

It doesn’t matter if you are a lion, rabbit, fish human, elephant, bird, or gecko lizard. One of your overlords, or cellmates, or your Father Time is going to eat you. The best you can hope for is that you are not caged up, sedated, and featured on a nature or news channel when it happens.

It doesn’t matter if you and all your kinky friends (as stated by Mr. Carlin) “like to dress up in leather boy scout uniforms while you hit each other over the head with ball peen hammers and take turns blowing the cat. Nothing wrong with that! It is a

victimless hobby—and think of how good it makes the cat feel!”

It makes no difference whatsoever which brand of cigarettes you smoke, which side of a war you are on, whether your toxic wastes are chemical or nuclear, or whether you have been bitten by a scorpion or cobra. You are going to end up suffering too long or dead too soon, or both.

It makes very little difference which kind of drug you do. Whether your drugs come from a street corner or corner pharmacy, you will still enjoy a short fix and then deal with the side effects while you choose between hungover, dead, numb, addicted, or stupid. It also does not matter if you are a poor drug addict or a rich one who spends enough money on your cocaine habit to feed a small nation. It will not matter if you land on your feet and ass at the same time right after coming out of rehab as a “cured,” self-satisfied, self-righteous, self-indulgent pain in the ass of a person who never again does anything more constructive or less restrictive than being on a program.

It doesn’t matter at all whether people believe you, like you, lie about you, love you, leave you, bait you, hate you, or rate you according to standards composed of stale, inherited, socially-dictated notions. Haters may never experience an original thought but

they always have opinions. These are usually traditional opinions from the past. They amount to nothing more than peer pressure from dead people. If you are strongly affected by those opinions, you may lack confidence or a psychological structural integrity that is strong enough to defend itself.

So do I. We have a lot of company. Most of humanity shares these same vulnerabilities. This is not totally our fault. We have been weakened by a faulty education. We have been trained since birth to accept a corrupted reality as the norm.

After the poison is added,
it doesn’t matter if you eat health food or cake.

Do you know what does matter?

No Misunderstandings, Please/ What Does Matter

Just so there are no misunderstandings, here is an official disclaimer. Certain names that you will recognize are mentioned during this true story of a book. Very few of the famous people complimented here actually know me or ever knew me. (There are exceptions.) I’m not making believe that I am in some intimate buddies club with every well known genius on Earth, or that I have ever had social what-to-do with these people.

I go to lectures, classes, concerts, read the books, watch the HBO specials, YouTube, or PBS just like everyone else who has ever been smart enough to seek out or lucky enough to stumble across these human lighthouses. An active imagination and very repetitive exposure to folks carrying inspirational messages that are directed toward positive goals have affected me strongly in some cases, but that’s where most of these “relationships” end.

A small number of people are a lot more famous than the rest of us. Ideally this happens because we admire a person’s genius, talent, or merit.

But it often happens through no big accomplishment by the famous person. It often happens because shill marketing/media conglomerates are selling the public an image, and an artificial relationship to that image. The marketing and media folks collect a whole lot of money from these processes. Their methods reduce people to “consumers.” Then the same marketing and media folks coerce these consumers into bizarre purchasing habits.

The bizarre purchasing habits result from consumers becoming hypnotized by avalanches of cleverly designed commercial messages. These messages lead consumers to believe that imagined relationships with celebrities in commercials are not only real, but also have meaningful connection to the product for sale. A lot of kids paid a

lot of money for sneakers that they thought would give them Michael Jordan’s vertical leap.

But even a real connection, even truly meeting or personally knowing an admirable celebrity, doesn’t make anyone an improved or admirable individual. That happens when one is actually being, doing, or taking part in something admirable.

Why do folks make a big deal about this knowing famous people thing? Brag about meeting, say, Mother Teresa or the Dalai Lama? I don’t think so! I might brag if I thought, spoke, and acted as nobly as Mother Teresa or the Dalai Lama.

No. On second thought, I guess I wouldn’t.

I feel so strongly about this that the following true story is still, several decades after the fact, one of my all- time favorite memories.

It was a beautiful 1980s autumn day inside Hugo’s bar on Pleasant Street in the lovely college town of Northampton, Massachusetts. After an all day effort to deplete the world’s beer supply, a sudden inspiration came to me. Over the following year, that inspiration became a successful local and then a statewide charity project. It got a lot of attention and press due to its eventual involvement with high-level politicians, well known musicians, major league sports teams, big labor unions, un-paid volunteers, and a serious issue. Above all, the project worked well because no money passed

through me or our little volunteer group. All donations went directly from the contributors to several very well established and reputable charities. This eliminated any possible question-of-trust factor. (Details are in a few of the news articles at http://www.fearlesspuppy.info/media and also in the Fearless Puppy On American Road book, if you’re interested.)

Shortly after finishing this project, I was back at Hugo’s once again doing my part to help society drain free of its alcohol content. I made this effort many times during the 1980s. A decent sort of guy who infrequently frequented our watering hole came through the back door. He was a friend of one of the regulars at our table. We invited him to join us. Decent-sort-Mike was then introduced to several people well known for not being able to remember names.

After downing the better half of a beer, Decent Mike suddenly turned wide-eyed and stared at me for a long half-minute. It was the kind of stare that made me wonder if he was high on some powerful drug and I was showing up as a freshly tapped keg in his hallucination.

That was not it. The mad stare turned out to be his sudden recognition of a person who had experienced the proverbial fifteen minutes of fame.

“You’re that guy in the newspapers. You’re great!” said Mike.

I had to reply, “Don’t be fugging ridiculous. I’m a drunk from Hugo’s, just like you are.”

The light went on in Mike’s bloodshot eyes. It was that deeper kind of understanding that rarely happens, even between people who know each other very well.

He got it. A big slow “Wooooow!” wandered out of his mouth.

Mike suddenly realized that he could easily have done that charity project himself and that he would have received the same attention from the media if he had. Instant insight told him that anyone could have done it. It was all just a matter of getting up and doing it. All I did was kick my own drunken ass into the process. That didn’t make me any more of a superman than he was. The only difference between Decent Mike and me was that I put the situation’s potential to use.

We bought each other beers and talked for hours with no further misunderstandings.

All humans have the same potential to be incredible. Who you’ve met or know doesn’t matter.

Who you choose to be and what you choose to do with your life is what does matter.


FREE 5* BOOK! No strings attached

Actually, the reviews aren’t in yet. My first two books got dozens of five-star reviews on Amazon and elsewhere. This true story is an even better offering, so I’m guessing it will also receive a solid five stars, if I ever bother to solicit reviews.

The book is yours for FREE! If you like what you read, please consider helping in these two very simple ways:
1—Forward/Share this free e-book to friends, through mailing lists, social networks, and all other appropriate places. Many people need good entertainment, others need the information within, and I need the exposure. 2—If you feel so inclined, send a contribution to keep a starving artist going. Any amount helps and can be sent to the Fearless Puppy account at Community Bank NA, 205 Main Street, Brattleboro, Vermont, 05301, USA. I otherwise have no income other than a $516 per month Social Security check.

I hope you enjoy the book and will help circulate it as a personal favor to your friendly author, as well as a favor to those who will receive it from you.

Questions? If so, jahbuddha13@hotmail.com is the

address. I will answer as many emails as possible. Thanks very much for your kindness and attention. Have a good reading ride around the world with the seventy year old guy that may be the happiest corpse on Earth. I was actually pronounced dead at a hospital over fifty years ago (overdose) but brought back with a

second heart-shot of adrenaline by an interceding doctor. Several decades later, doctors said I would die again (cancer) within six months. That was five years ago.

I hope you find this real-life experience of a traveling corpse to be a unique and exciting adventure for the living. I also hope you enjoy some of the helpful hints on surviving death and enjoying life.

Thank you for reading and for passing it on. Stay well, Tenzin (Doug “Ten” Rose)

Too Much Fun To List It All!!!

 In the new FREE 5* book Alive and Well on Earth (AWE) you will find the holiest and wisest of men and women, a racist murderer who is a world class teacher of children, the skid row and divine beaches of Hawaii, psychic dogs, how to be happy in hell, Cambodian street life, Nepali heroes, how to (at least temporarily) defy death, rising and fallen cultures, detailed instructions on how to get your prayers answered, what happens when we die, dragons, the cure for anger, and much more strange, very entertaining, and extremely valuable information than can possibly be listed here.

              All the above is not what makes this book unique.

        Three things make this book unique. It has been written by a breathing corpse, is an every-word-true story that reads like a novel (and in places like a fantasy), and it is free to readers. It is free even though this author’s first two books were 5* and this one is an even better offering. Why? Because you are more important than the money. FREE BOOK AT http://www.fearlesspuppy.info/newbook  

Short Video of Amazing Temples In Nepal!

The link above is to a short video of some of the most incredible temples on the planet. The videographer did a wonderful job of catching angles that make these temples look nearly as awe-inspiring as they are in person! All are right here in the Kathmandu Valley. I live very close to the second one—Boudhanath. It is considered one of the holiest sites on Earth by Hindus and Buddhists alike.
Several of these sites are featured (with photos) in the new FREE 5* book Alive and Well on Earth (AWE).
Within this book you will also find the holiest and wisest of men and women, a racist murderer who is a world class teacher of children, the skid row and divine beaches of Hawaii, psychic dogs, how to be happy in hell, Cambodian street life, Nepali heroes, how to (at least temporarily) defy death, rising and fallen cultures, detailed instructions on how to get your prayers answered, what happens when we die, dragons, the cure for anger, and much more strange, very entertaining, and extremely valuable information than can possibly be listed here.
All the above is not what makes this book unique.
Three things make this book unique. It has been written by a breathing corpse, is an every-word-true story that reads like a novel (and in places like a fantasy), and it is free to readers. It is free even though this author’s first two books were 5* and this one is an even better offering. Why? Because you are more important than the money. www.fearlesspuppy.info/newbook

AWE REMASTERED/Free book right here! Keep Your money. Download the book below at no charge or obligation. Here’s why…

The book Alive and Well On Earth (AWE) has been remastered, polished, and drastically sharpened up. It is available to you here for free! Why? Because there are a few factors that make it more important to me for you to have this book available than it is for me to sell this book for the money.
1—Everyone needs entertainment. Everyone needs a break from life that enhances their life in some way. I’m sending you a lot of it. 
2—I have never claimed to be wise and am actually well known for admitting that there are very few people on Earth who have done as many stupid things as I have. On the other hand, my strange life has bounced me into many unique, more than a few bizarre, and several incredible experiences—and I have been smart enough to realize how stupid I can be and so have sought out and been benefited by hundreds of wisdom teachers over the past 50 years. Valuable information that they gave me is in this book. I guarantee that every reader will find at least one important helpful hint within. Some will find several. Others are going to find a lifeline in there.
3—I don’t have the temperament to deal with the commercial world any more—not even Amazon. That means that in order to get this book circulated, a lot of satisfied readers are going to have to pass it on to friends and other appropriate venues. I am hoping you will become a satisfied reader.
      So, keep your money and read Alive and Well on Earth (AWE). Money is cool and I don’t have a lot. But I have enough to eat and consider myself wealthy in many non-financial areas. Once you feel wealthy in those non-financial areas, you realize that the planet you live on would be a much better place if everyone on it was happier, healthier, and also feeling wealthy in those and other non-financial areas. It becomes obvious that helping to facilitate this in any way possible, no matter how big or small, is as important as life itself. You may already know the more detailed chemistry behind why I am happier if you are happier. If not, it is well explained in the book.
       You will enjoy Alive and Well on Earth. I hope you will enjoy it enough to pass it on extensively. Everyone wants some good entertainment, many will appreciate and some will greatly benefit from the valuable information within, and I need the exposure.
    Thank you         and         You’re welcome
    Be well. Love from Kathmandu, Tenzin

Our Global Sexual Misconduct Problem

For most of us, sex is one of life’s greatest treasures. It can also be a tragedy. The reasons why seem obvious. I can sum them up quickly for you in this fit-for-the-public first section of the story. I really, truly don’t think you want to request the second section companion poem (see below). It’s going to be too rough for you.                    

Thank you for reading and thank you for clicking the backlinks.                                                                Stay well. Love, Ten

***p.s. As always, if you find these weekly bits bothersome, let me know and I’ll stop sending them to you. If you find the reading at all enjoyable, please—it literally takes only seconds—click one or more or all of the highlighted backlinks following this paragraph. This simple process is completely without risk, cost, or difficulty. All it does is bring you to the site that is highlighted. Each click is a big help in pushing Fearless Puppy up in the Google rankings. Whether you browse the sites or close the windows immediately, your help has been delivered when you click. Thank you!





                    Our Global Sexual Misconduct Problem       

There are sexual misconduct and rape problems in Nepal. They are probably no worse here than in America and not as severe as in some other parts of the world—but they exist. Most cultures and countries have suffered and condoned this tragedy since the beginning of people. The criminal sexuality problem has been more strongly brought to our attention in recent years by advances in technology that now circulate news instantaneously across the globe. That is of course a good thing, but the same technology also fosters a commercial manipulation that aggravates the problem. That commercial manipulation is one of several concrete reasons why so many folks are ruled as much by their genitals as they are by their minds and hearts.
          It is certainly necessary to hold the individual perverts accountable for their actions. But isn’t our reaction to all the sensationalist exposures of sexual deviance by celebrities just a bit short-sighted? Where is the much more important indictment of our culture? our religions? our advertising?          

Nature’s hardwiring of human reproductive drives is so much to deal with all by itself that it makes most people’s heads explode during puberty. Having the male equipment makes the job even more difficult. It takes effort, willpower, and education to insure that harmlessly out-of-control boys don’t grow up to become harmfully out-of-control men. Do we get that training? No! Instead we get religiously mandated sexual repression that too often leads to criminally explosive acting out.            

Commercial advertising adds fuel to the fire. It gives us an insipid sexual hypnosis designed to sell products. The people behind these processes use sexual references and images to push the buttons within us that are beyond most people’s conscious control. Salesmen have used this approach powerfully enough to convince people to do some pretty bizarre things and purchase some very bizarre products. The effects of this constant battering by sexual nuance within advertising, religious sexual repression, and no-longer-relevant gender role assignments have led us into social disaster.            

So what do we do? Do we try to cut off the problem at its source? Do we attempt to uproot this systemic manipulation of our population by prosecuting or at least making changes within those institutions responsible for all this negative brainwashing? No, we prefer the gross sensationalist approach that allows us to stay in denial about our systemic shortcomings. We prefer to deny our collective responsibility and malfunctions by heaping rage upon a few degenerates that have been clumsy, evil, and unfortunate enough to get picked out of the crowd. This allows us to feel good about being on the “right side” without having to take any action that may wobble the status quo. It allows us to enjoy a delusional feeling of moral superiority while still being complicit in systems that foster a real moral degeneracy.           

Of course, everyone is responsible for their actions and again, individual perverts are not excusable. But from another angle and in a deeper sense, their prosecution equates to the war on individual illegal drug users as opposed to addressing a drug culture that has been spawned, sponsored, and fostered by the pharmaceutical/medical industry. It also bears resemblance to the war on poor people that we are engaged in as opposed to the war on poverty that we should be engaging.          

These systemic malfunctions are global problems. But as is so often true, America gets the lion’s share of media coverage and so seems to lead the way. Do we want to be the nation that leads the world in prosecuting sexually degenerated individuals while at the same time leading the world in perpetuating the degenerate systems that produced those sick individuals?           

Humanity has reached a “by-any-means-necessary” need for change regarding religious sexual repression, our culturally accepted norms based on gender role anachronisms, and the modern hypnotic mental disease that is commercial advertising. As is true of so many global problems, there is a lot of talk but not enough action. So many essential messages from activists, comedians, sages, and even politicians continue to fall on deaf ears in spite of their importance. We ignore difficult problems and even more difficult solutions in favor of manageable scapegoats, alibis, and excuses.          

You can hang everyone from the most severe Cosbys to the mildest Frankens. You can string them up in public from the highest trees you can find. If not a very compassionate reaction, it is certainly an understandable one.          

But treating a symptom never cured a disease.          

                                                    Be well.  
Many thanks to our wonderful friends at Pema Boutique Hotel for their help and support.
***The books Fearless Puppy On American Road and Reincarnation Through Common Sense by this same author are also available through Amazon or the Fearless Puppy website, where there are sample chapters from those books. Entertaining TV/radio interviews with and newspaper articles about the author are also available there. There is no charge for anything but the complete books! All author profits from book sales will be donated to help sponsor an increase in the number of wisdom professionals on Earth, beginning with but certainly not limited to Buddhist monks and nuns.        
***If you missed the Introduction to the new book that will be titled Temple Dog Soldier, or would like to see several chapters of it that are available for free online, go to the Puppy website Blog section. This is a book in progress. You will be reading it as it is being created! Just like you, I don’t know what the next chapter is going to be about until it is written. As the Intro will tell you, this is a totally true story—and probably the only book ever written by and about a corpse journeying completely around the world!




Hello from Nepal! I hope you are very happy and healthy.    

This week’s post is not written by me. It is written by Thinley Wangmo Lama. It is going into my new book anyway. Many great photos follow after the text!
     If you want to enjoy a renewed faith in humanity, check out this project and its very special administrator. Most of what we hear these days is about what is going wrong in the world. Here is proof that there are things going right. Asian women’s health, rights, equality, and an increased respect within their culture are all being addressed by this effort. A new phase of the project, women’s literacy training, is about to join the health effort. The men in these locations can already read and write. The women very much want to read and write but have not been given the opportunity to learn—until now. That fact alone sums up the pervasive problems. The following article sums up the solution. If you have already helped, bless you. If you want to help now, whether by financial contribution or whatever other offering, the address is within the post. Also, feel free to contact me directly for more information. Whether you can help or not, read this for your own sake. It will make your heart happy to learn of this effort and meet the person making it.        

Next week, more stories about life in Nepal and elsewhere.

Thank you for reading, and thank you for clicking the backlinks.                               Be well. Love, Tenzin  

***p.s. As always, if you find these weekly bits bothersome, let me know and I’ll stop sending them to you. If you find the reading at all enjoyable, please—it literally takes only seconds—click one or more or all of the highlighted backlinks following this paragraph. This simple process is completely without risk, cost, or difficulty. All it does is bring you to the site that is highlighted. Each click is a big help in pushing Fearless Puppy up in the Google rankings. Whether you browse the sites or close the windows immediately, your help has been delivered when you click. Thank you!





  Journey with a Purpose to Limi Valley Ecopad Project Limi Valley, Humla Nepal |

Project ReportObjective:- Free Distribution Programme of Eco-Friendly Reusable Sanitary Pads in the remote village of Humla, Nepal – Limi Valley
Journey Date:- 15th September 2021 to 7th October 2021
Distribution Areas:- Limi Valley – Dhuling, Zang, Halji and Til
Participants:- Thinley Wangmo (Project Leader), Phurbu Doma (Limi Youth Society Vice President), and Jigme Dolma (Nurse)
Total Expenditure:- NPR 6,40,500/-
Women Count:-Women between 10 – 55 years: 171Women above 55 years: 61
Goals Achieved:-

1. Distributed Eco Femme Reusable Sanitary Pads and cotton Underwear to 232 Limi Girls and Women

2. Taught correct way to use the ecopads and made sure they realized the importance of drying the pads out in the sunlight

3. Emphasized symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and hygiene measures during periods

4. Tackled menstruation shame and embarrassment

5. Raised their self-esteem and exhibited a positive attitude towards menstruation

6. Taught basic yoga exercises for lower back pain, knee pain, menstrual cramps and to enhance blood circulation to the reproductive system

7. Selected a volunteer from each village to monitor the project outcomes

The Distribution Journey

This journey with a purpose towards the mountain trails in northwestern Nepal’s Humla district was truly an experience of a lifetime. It is a different feeling when you work hard towards something and see it manifesting right in front of your eyes. While planning the workshop, we were doubtful whether the women would participate openly or not. Not only did we get one hundred percent participation from the women in each village, but we also got excellent attention and two-way discussion during the workshop. Sharing our knowledge, empathizing with the toughness of their village life, listening to stories that they normally would hesitate to share, and seeing the gratitude in their eyes made us blissful.We had taken 500 underwear and 1500 ecopads for an estimated number of 250 women; 6 ecopads per woman. However, there were only 171 menstruating women in Limi Valley. So, we distributed the additional pads equally in each village. And we also gave underwear to the remaining 61 elderly women.

Learning and Reflections

We are happy to inform you that the initial response to the ecopads was wonderful. The women liked the feel and quality of the ecopads from Eco Femme. They were amazed by the fact that they were receiving sanitary pads made of cotton and which can be reused for a few years.

• Were we able to convince them to wear Ecopads?

Before:-As per our survey, the majority of women above 35 years are using pads made from rags. The majority of the younger women especially those below 30 years are mostly using disposable sanitary pads and sometimes pads made from rags. The women either throw the disposable pads into the river or dump them into nearby lands. Although most of them regret this habit, they are left with little or no choice.
Now:-After understanding the environmental effect of their waste disposal method and the cost-effectiveness of the ecopads, all of them agreed to try out the Eco Femme Reusable Sanitary Pads. Additionally, they agreed to offer their honest feedback to the selected volunteers after using the ecopads for a few months.

• What basic health and hygiene did we focus on?

We got a positive response when asked if they maintain the most basic yet important habit of washing hands. The younger school-going children even shared the experience of properly washing their hands with soap. We gave examples of Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and how sharing their pain with their mother or family member can make their life easier. We advised them to change the underwear daily and the ecopads after every 6-8 hours depending on the period flow.

• How did we tackle Period shame?

It is most difficult to change people’s perceptions. Similarly, we had a tough time addressing period shame and communicating the importance of talking about periods to men in a shame-free manner. How could we make the women appreciate their body and the natural process of menstruation for childbirth when they believed that women are inferior due to periods? Some even complained that they have to spend additional expenses on daughters as they have to buy bras and sanitary napkins. Initially, most of them went against talking to men about periods. But we emphasized to begin just one small change, to which the majority agreed- To stop period shame in their own family and talk freely with their father, brother, and husband about period-related topics to create a ripple effect in the entire community.


Collecting enough donations was no doubt the first challenge of the project. However, traveling to Limi Valley was the harder part of the project. Since the valley is located in the extreme remote part of Nepal, there is an issue of lack of transportation, unreliable road conditions. One cannot go with a fixed schedule and needs to be very flexible.
Sanitation facilities are inadequate in the entire Limi Valley and the lack of functional latrines in the houses can be difficult at times.

Future Plans

Our volunteers at the local level will take feedback and evaluate the project outcomes. If successful, we plan to distribute the next batch of EcoPads within 2-3 years. If not successful, we plan to visit Limi again to evaluate the situation.

When asked what other kinds of support the women require, surprisingly the majority of them showed interest in learning how to read and write. The younger women were frustrated not being able to write their name neither in English nor in Nepali and having to sign official documents with their thumb impressions. The older women were interested in learning how to read Tibetan prayer scripts to be able to understand Buddhist Philosophy in depth.

• How do we plan to achieve this?

We realized that the Limi women were extremely busy with their household works, field works, and community-building works throughout the year except during winter. So, a winter coaching session seems like a good idea. We want to start the first phase of teaching Buddhist prayers to interested women this coming winter. Of course, interested men will also be welcomed. Therefore, with the remaining donation amount, we will be starting the 2021 winter class in Halji with how to read Tibetan script.

Anyone NGO or Private Fund interested to support this Limi Literacy Program, kindly contact/WhatsApp me at +977-9840222717

Lastly, none of this would have been possible without our kind sponsors. Thank you to each donor for making a difference through your generosity.
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to Eco Femme, Senge Foundation, North America Limi Welfare Society, Humla Limi Welfare Society, Limi Youth Society, Responsible Treks, Konchok Migmar, Doug Rose, Dr. Choong, Phurbu Doma and Jigme Dolma for bringing a positive change into the lives of these women and many others.
Eco Femme 森給慈善基金會 North America Limi Humla Limi Welfare Socty Limi youth society Responsible Treks K Migmar Lama Doug Rose Phurbu Doma Tsering Dickey Tamang Lama

Thank you all for supporting our project and the women of Limi Valley.
Thinley WangmoTeam Ecopad

Many thanks to our wonderful friends at Pema Boutique Hotel for their help and support.
***The books Fearless Puppy On American Road and Reincarnation Through Common Sense by this same author are also available through Amazon or the Fearless Puppy website, where there are sample chapters from those books. Entertaining TV/radio interviews with and newspaper articles about the author are also available there. There is no charge for anything but the complete books! All author profits from book sales will be donated to help sponsor an increase in the number of wisdom professionals on Earth, beginning with but certainly not limited to Buddhist monks and nuns.        
***If you missed the Introduction to the new book that will be titled Temple Dog Soldier, or would like to see several chapters of it that are available for free online, go to the Puppy website Blog section. This is a book in progress. You will be reading it as it is being created! Just like you, I don’t know what the next chapter is going to be about until it is written. As the Intro will tell you, this is a totally true story—and probably the only book ever written by and about a corpse journeying completely around the world!